วันพุธที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2567

Delrin AF


จำหน่าย นำเข้า ขาย ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Delrin AF Blend is a unique thermoplastic material for use in moving parts in which low friction and long wear life are important. It is a combination of PTFE fibers uniformly dispersed in Delrin® acetal resin. This combination offers better wear characteristics than unfilled Delrin®.

Delrin® AF Blend, supplied as a 2:1 blend of Delrin® AF100 and Delrin® 150 resins, has excellent sliding/friction properties. Bearings made of Delrin® AF Blend can operate at higher speeds while exhibiting reduced wear. These bearings are also essentially free of slip-stick behavior because the static and dynamic coefficient of friction is closer than with most plastics.


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